Decorative envelopes with golden embossing.
Folder for 15x23 cm and 15x21 cm photos, with two-sided printing.
Folder for 15x21 and 15x23 cm prints, with gold imprint.
Maxi-accordition album 15x23 cm kraft
Maxi-accordition album 15x23 cm kraft, four segments.
Tissue paper -golden rose mist
Decorative tissue paper. Set: 5 sheets.
Wooden pink box for 15x23 prints and USB...
Wooden pink box for 15x23 cm prints and USB with engraving
Wooden square pink box 15x23 prints and ...
Wooden square pink box 15x23 cm prints and USB with engraving.
Wooden white USB 4, 8 or 16 GB with engr...
Wooden white USB 4, 8 or 16 GB with engraving - Intimace